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Algae > Volume 17(3); 2002 > Article
Algae 2002;17(3): 161-170. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2002.17.3.161
Structure and Reproduction of Grateloupia filicina (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Indian Coast
Pooja Baweja, Dinabandhu Sahoo
Marine Biotechnology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Delhi
The vegetative and reproductive features of Grateloupia filicina (Lamouroux) C. Agardh (Cryptonemiales, halymeniaceae) from different parts of the Indian Coast were studied. The plants grow in a wide range of habitats and showed a lot of morphological variations. The development of the thallus is multiaxial type and the medullary region is composed of irregular, branched and stellate shaped cells. The gametophytic plants are dioecious and the male plants are smaller compared to female plants. The carpogonial branch is two-celled and formed on an accessory branch system known as ampulla. Cystocarps are spherical to subspherical with distinct ostioles and scattered on the thallus surface. Tetrasporangia are common and tetraspores are either cruciate or decussate. Bisporangia are occasionally encountered. Our study suggests occurrence of two intraspecific taxa of G. filicina i.e: var. luxurians and var. filicina from Indian coast.
Key words: development, Grateloupia filicina, reproduction, structure

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