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Algae > Volume 9(2); 1994 > Article
Algae 1994;9(2): 153-168.
Morphotaxonomic Studies on the Korean Ectocarpaceae (Phaeophyta). III. Genus Feldmannia Hamel, Specially Referred to Morphogenesis and Phylogenetic Relationship among Related Genera
Hyung-Seop Kim, In Kyu Lee
Department Biology, Kangnung National University. Department of Biology, Seoul National University
Two species of Feldmannia, F. irregularis (Kuetzing) Hamel and F. globifera (Kuetzing) Hamel were first morphologically investigated in Korea with field and laboratory cultured materials. F. irregularis was characterized by small and slender tufted thalli, single meristematic zone in basal portion of erect filament, unbranched long terminal filament tapering to long false hyaline hair, and sessile elongate-conical plurilocular sporangia below meristem. F. globifera was distinguished by ovoid pedicellate plurilocular sporangia which arose oppositely below a single meristematic zone, unbranched terminal filaments, and opposite branches below meristem. F. globifera was conspecific with F. paradoxa. Some nomenclatural problems of the two species were discussed to combine new varieties; F. paradoxa (Mont.) Hamel var. paradoxa for F. globifera and European F. paradoxa, f. paradoxa (Mont.) Hamel var. cylindrica (Saund.) Kim et Lee, stat. nov., for F. cylindrica (Saunders) Hollenberg et Abbott, F. paradoxa (Mont.) Hamel var. caespitula (J. Ag.) Kim et Lee, stat. nov. for F. caespitula (J. Ag.) Knoepffer-Peguy, and a new variety F. paradoxa (Mont.) Hamel var. mucosa Kim et Lee, var. nov. for southern Australian F. paradoxa (Mont.) Hamel var. mucosa Kim et Lee, var. nov. for southern Australian F. paradoxa. Formas arabicus and coniferus of F. irregularis should be recognized as independent species, respectively, under the genus Hincksia. The phylogenetic relationship among Acinetospora, Hincksia, Feldamnnia, and Kuetzingiella was discussed based on morphogenesis and ontogeny. It is considered that Kuetzingiella-like morphology is an ancestral characteristic among the genera.
Key words: morphotaxonomy, Feldmannia irregularis, F. globifera, new varieties of F. paradoxa, Acinetospora, Hincksia, Kuetzingiella, phylogenetic relationship

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