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Algae > Volume 12(2); 1997 > Article
Algae 1997;12(2): 73-81.
Morphology and Reproduction of Polysiphonia yendoi Segi(Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Myung Sook Kim, In Kyu Lee
The Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Seoul National University, Department of Biology, Seoul National University
The vegetative and the reproductive morphology of Polysiphonia yendoi Segi were studied. The plant has a creeping base and erect filaments. Rhizoids arise as out growth from basal pericentral cells cut off by a cross-wall. Axial segment produces four pericentral cells in alternate sequence, and is ecorticated. Branches are not associated with trichoblasts in origin and arise exogenously in alternate manner at regular intervals of about six segments apart. The carpogonial branch is three-celled. Two sterile groups as well as post-fertilization process are essentially same as those n the other species of the genus. The fertile segment (suprabasal cell) of female trichoblast always produces five pericentral cells of which the fifth acts as the supporting cell. Spermatangia are produced on the trichoblast derived from an axial cell. Tetrasporangia are restricted to the third of the five pericentral cells. Each tetrasporangial mother cell (pericentral cell) cuts off two pre-sporangial cover cells, followed by a tetrasporangial initial and a stalk cell.
Key words: Polysiphonia yendoi, reproduction, taxonomy, vegetative structure

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