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Algae > Volume 20(4); 2005 > Article
Algae 2005;20(4): 379-388. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2005.20.4.379
Selection of the Optimal Transplanting Method and Time for Restoration of Zostera marina Habitats
Jung-Im Park1, Young-Kyun Kim1, Sang Rul Park1, Jong-Hyeob Kim1, Young-Sang Kim1, Jeong-Bae Kim1,2, Pil-Yong Lee2, Chang-Keun Kang1, and Kun-Seop Lee1,*

1Department of Biology, Pusan National University, Busan, 609-735, Korea
2South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI, Yosu 556-820, Korea
Seagrass bed is an important component in coastal and estuarine ecosystems, providing food and shelter to a wide variety of fauna. Recently, seagrass coverage has declined significantly due to anthropogenic influences such as reclamation, dredging, and eutrophication and consequently, necessity of seagrass habitat restoration is rising. Transplantation experiments with Zostera marina using TERFS, staple method, and shell method have been conducted at Dadae Bay, Kosung Bay and Jindong Bay on the south coast of Korea to select an optimal transplanting method for restoration of Z. marina habitat. Three experimental sites located at the vicinity of natural Z. marina beds with an average water depth of about 4m. Z. marina plants, which were collected from donor bed in Koje Bay were also transplanted at 7 different time from October 2003 to July 2004 to find appropriate transplanting time. Density of Z. marina was monitored monthly at both transplanted areas and natural beds. Transplantation using the staple method showed the highest survival rate of transplant. Shell method was also an effective transplanting method at muddy areas in Kosung Bay and Jindong Bay, but not suitable at sandy areas in Dadae Bay. These results suggest that sediment composition of transplanting areas should be considered for the selection of the optimal transplanting method. Z. marina transplanted during fall usually showed the highest survival rate, while most Z. marina plants transplanted in summer died due to high lethal temperature during this period.
Key words: seagrass, sediment composition, transplanting method, transplanting time, transplantation, Zostera

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