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Algae > Volume 27(4); 2012 > Article
Algae 2012;27(4): 269-281. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2012.27.4.269
Seasonal variation in depth-stratified macroalgal assemblage patterns on Marado, Jeju Island, Korea
Jeong Chan Kang, Myung Sook Kim

1Department of Biology and Research Institute for Basic Sciences, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea
*Corresponding Author  Email: myungskim@jejunu.ac.kr
Marado is a small rocky island located off the south coast of Jeju Island and acts as the first gateway of the Kuroshio Current to Korean coastal ecosystems. This island is one of the most unpolluted and well preserved sea areas around the Jeju coast. We extensively observed macroalgal assemblages of species and functional forms in the intertidal and subtidal zones through four seasons on Marado, Jeju Island, Korea to demonstrate the seasonality of vertical distribution patterns and biomass. A total of 144 species (14 Chlorophyta, 40 Phaeophyta, and 90 Rhodophyta) were identified in quadrats and were analyzed seasonally and vertically to define the variation patterns. The annual mean biomass of macroalgae was 2,932.3 g wet wt m-2 and the highest value was recorded in spring and the lowest was in winter. The annual dominant species by biomass was Ecklonia cava followed by Sargassum fusiforme, S. macrocarpum, Amphiroa galapagensis, Chondria crassicaulis, and S. thunbergii. Obvious biomass zonation patterns of macroalgal species were detected in relation to tidal height and depth. Macroalgal biomass, diversity index (H'), and community dynamics were the highest in the shallow subtidal zone. Species number was higher in the subtidal than in the intertidal zone and similar throughout the entire subtidal zone. Our results provide revealing insights into the distribution patterns of macroalgal assemblages in an unpolluted sea area around Jeju Island.
Key words: biomass; distribution; Jeju Island; macroalgae; Marado; seasonal variation

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