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Ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of Mesodinium annulatum sp. nov. (Mesodiniidae, Cyclotrichiida), a new member of the Mesodinium rubrum / Mesodinium major complex
Seung Won Nam, Miran Kim, Seok Won Jang, Myung Gil Park, Wonho Yih, Hyung Seop Kim, Woongghi Shin
Algae. 2024;39(3):129-147.   Published online September 15, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2024.39.9.10
Ramipedicella gen. nov. (Ralfsiales, Phaeophyceae): a new crustose brown algal genus including two species, Ramipedicella miniloba sp. nov. and Ramipedicella longicellularis comb. nov.
Antony Otinga Oteng’o, Boo Yeon Won, Tae Oh Cho
Algae. 2024;39(2):97-108.   Published online June 15, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2024.39.5.29
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Emendation of Rhodomonas marina (Cryptophyceae): insights from morphology, molecular phylogeny and water-soluble pigment in an Arctic isolate
Niels Daugbjerg, Cecilie B. Devantier
Algae. 2024;39(2):75-96.   Published online June 15, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2024.39.6.13
Holocarpic oomycete parasites of red algae are not Olpidiopsis, but neither are they all Pontisma or Sirolpidium (Oomycota) [corrected-article]
Giuseppe C. Zuccarello, Claire M. M. Gachon, Yacine Badis, Pedro Murúa, Andrea Garvetto, Gwang Hoon Kim
Algae. 2024;39(1):43-50.   Published online March 15, 2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2024.39.3.8
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Fissipedicella orientalis gen. et sp. nov. (Ralfsiales, Phaeophyceae), a new crustose brown alga from Korea based on molecular and morphological analyses
Antony Otinga Oteng’o, Boo Yeon Won, Tae Oh Cho
Algae. 2023;38(3):173-181.   Published online September 15, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2023.38.9.9
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Cryptic diversity and phylogeographic patterns of Plocamium telfairiae and P. cartilagineum (Plocamiales, Rhodophyta) in the Northwest Pacific
Mi Yeon Yang, Myung Sook Kim
Algae. 2023;38(3):159-172.   Published online September 15, 2023
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2023.38.8.4
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Splitting blades: why genera need to be more carefully defined; the case for Pyropia (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) [corrected-article]
Giuseppe C. Zuccarello, Xinging Wen, Gwang Hoon Kim
Algae. 2022;37(3):205-211.   Published online September 15, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2022.37.9.11
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Morphological and molecular characterization of the genus Coolia (Dinophyceae) from Bahía de La Paz, southwest Gulf of California
Lourdes Morquecho, Ismael Gárate-Lizárraga, Haifeng Gu
Algae. 2022;37(3):185-204.   Published online September 15, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2022.37.9.2
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Phylogeography of the economic seaweeds Chondrus (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) in the northwest Pacific based on rbcL and COI-5P genes
Mi Yeon Yang, Myung Sook Kim
Algae. 2022;37(2):135-147.   Published online June 15, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2022.37.5.29
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Two new species of Pseudostaurosiropsis (Bacillariophyta, Fragilariophyceae) from the United States of America, with taxonomic comments on the genus
Eduardo A. Morales
Algae. 2022;37(1):33-47.   Published online March 15, 2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2022.37.11.15
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Endoplura jejuensis sp. nov. and Endoplura koreana sp. nov. (Ralfsiales, Phaeophyceae) from Korea based on molecular and morphological analyses
Antony Otinga Oteng’o, Tae Oh Cho, Boo Yeon Won
Algae. 2021;36(3):155-163.   Published online September 7, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2021.36.7.22
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A chemosystematic investigation of selected Stichococcus-like organisms (Trebouxiophyta)
Anh Tu Van, Ulf Karsten, Karin Glaser
Algae. 2021;36(2):123-135.   Published online June 17, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2021.36.6.5
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First record of the cyanobacterial genus Wilmottia (Coleofasciculaceae, Oscillatoriales) from the South Orkney Islands (Antarctica)
Ranina Radzi, Faradina Merican, Paul Broady, Peter Convey, Narongrit Muangmai, Wan Maznah Wan Omar, Sébastien Lavoué
Algae. 2021;36(2):111-121.   Published online June 17, 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2021.36.5.6
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Umbraulva yunseulla sp. nov. (Ulvaceae, Chlorophyta) from a subtidal habitat of Jeju Island, Korea
Hyung Woo Lee, Eun Hee Bae, Myung Sook Kim
Algae. 2020;35(4):349-359.   Published online December 21, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2020.35.12.3
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Taxonomic study of three new Antarctic Asterochloris (Trebouxio-phyceae) based on morphological and molecular data
Jong Im Kim, Yong Jun Kim, Seung Won Nam, Jae Eun So, Soon Gyu Hong, Han-Gu Choi, Woongghi Shin
Algae. 2020;35(1):17-32.   Published online March 15, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2020.35.2.23
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Violetonostoc minutum gen. et sp. nov. (Nostocales, Cyanobacteria) from a rocky substrate in China
Fangfang Cai, Xin Peng, Renhui Li
Algae. 2020;35(1):1-16.   Published online March 15, 2020
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2020.35.3.4
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Taxonomy of Ulva causing blooms from Jeju Island, Korea with new species, U. pseudo-ohnoi sp. nov. (Ulvales, Chlorophyta)
Hyung Woo Lee, Jeong Chan Kang, Myung Sook Kim
Algae. 2019;34(4):253-266.   Published online December 15, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2019.34.12.9
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First report of the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Heterocapsa minima in the Pacific Ocean: morphological and genetic characterizations and the nationwide distribution in Korea
Sung Yeon Lee, Hae Jin Jeong, Ji Eun Kwon, Ji Hyun You, So Jin Kim, Jin Hee Ok, Hee Chang Kang, Jae Yeon Park
Algae. 2019;34(1):7-21.   Published online March 15, 2019
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2019.34.2.28
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Taxonomic notes on the genus Alsidium C. Agardh, including the merging of Bryothamnion Kützing (Rhodomelaceae)
Gabriela García-Soto, Juan Lopez-Bautista
Algae. 2018;33(3):215-229.   Published online September 15, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2018.33.6.25
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Taxonomic revision of the genus Herposiphonia (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) from Korea, with the description of three new species
Young Ho Koh, Myung Sook Kim
Algae. 2018;33(1):69-84.   Published online March 15, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2018.33.3.10
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Morphological and genetic characterization and the nationwide distribution of the phototrophic dinoflagellate Scrippsiella lachrymosa in the Korean waters
Sung Yeon Lee, Hae Jin Jeong, Ji Hyun You, So Jin Kim
Algae. 2018;33(1):21-35.   Published online March 15, 2018
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2018.33.3.4
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Molecular analyses and reproductive structure to verify the generic relationships of Hypnea and Calliblepharis (Cystocloniaceae, Gigartinales), with proposal of C. saidana comb. nov.
Mi Yeon Yang, Myung Sook Kim
Algae. 2017;32(2):87-100.   Published online June 15, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2017.32.5.15
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A pathogen of New Zealand Pyropia plicata (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), Pythium porphyrae (Oomycota)
Nora Diehl, Gwang Hoon Kim, Giuseppe C. Zuccarello
Algae. ;32(1):29-39.   Published online March 15, 2017
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2017.32.2.25
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A taxonomic account of non-geniculate coralline algae (Corallinophycidae, Rhodophyta) from shallow reefs of the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil
Michel B. Jesionek, Ricardo G. Bahia, Jazmín J. Hernández-Kantún, Walter H. Adey, Yocie Yoneshigue-Valentin, Leila L. Longo, Gilberto M. Amado-Filho
Algae. 2016;31(4):317-340.   Published online December 15, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2016.31.11.16
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Flora of drift plastics: a new red algal genus, Tsunamia transpacifica (Stylonematophyceae) from Japanese tsunami debris in the northeast Pacific Ocean
John A. West, Gayle I. Hansen, Takeaki Hanyuda, Giuseppe C. Zuccarello
Algae. 2016;31(4):289-301.   Published online December 15, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2016.31.10.20
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The conspecificity of Pterosiphonia spinifera and P. arenosa (Rhodomelaceae, Ceramiales) inferred from morphological and molecular analyses
Danilo E. Bustamante, Boo Yeon Won, Tae Oh Cho
Algae. 2016;31(2):105-115.   Published online June 15, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2016.31.5.13
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A new approach for identification of the genus Paralia (Bacillariophyta) in Korea based on morphology and morphometric analyses
Suk Min Yun, Sang Deuk Lee, Joon Sang Park, Jin Hwan Lee
Algae. 2016;31(1):1-16.   Published online March 15, 2016
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2016.31.3.7
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Morphological characterization of Symbiodinium minutum and S. psygmophilum belonging to clade B
Sung Yeon Lee1, Hae Jin Jeong1,*, Nam Seon Kang1, Tae Young Jang1, Se Hyeon Jang1 and An Suk Lim1
Algae. 2014;29(4):299-310.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2014.29.4.299
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Phylogenetic relationships of Rosenvingea (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae) from Vietnam based on cox3 and psaA sequences
Kyung Min Lee1, Dang Diem Hong2 and Sung Min Boo1,*
Algae. 2014;29(4):289-297.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2014.29.4.289
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Three new species of Polysiphonia sensu lato (Rhodophyta) based on the morphology and molecular evidence
Byeongseok Kim1 and Myung Sook Kim1,*
Algae. 2014;29(3):183-195.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2014.29.3.183
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