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375 |
An Annotated Bibliography if Marine Macroalgae on Northwest Coast of the Bering Sea and the Southeast Kamchatka: the First Revision of Flora
Nina G. Klochkova
Algae. 1998;13(4):375-418.
419 |
Undariella, a New Genus of the Alariaceae (Laminariales, Phaeophyta)
Yong-Pil Lee
Algae. 1998;13(4):419-426.
427 |
Taxonomy and Morphology of Undaria( Alariaceae, Phaeophyta) in Korea
Young-Pil Lee, Jang-Taek Yoon
Algae. 1998;13(4):427-446.
447 |
Allozyme Variation and Species Relationships in the Genus Porphyra (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) from Korea
Mi-Sook Hwang, Miehie Han, In-Kyu Lee
Algae. 1998;13(4):447-459.
461 |
Ecological Studies on Togyo Reservoir in Chulwon, Korea IV. The Establishment of Periphytic Algae on Artificial Substrate at Mesocosm
Kyung Lee, Sook-Kyung Yoon, Myung-Soo Han
Algae. 1998;13(4):461-466.