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Polyphasic delimitation of a filamentous marine genus, Capillus gen. nov. (Cyanobacteria, Oscillatoriaceae) with the description of two Brazilian species
Taiara A. Caires, Goia de M. Lyra, Guilherme S. Hentschke, Aaron Matheus S. da Silva, Valter L. de Araújo, Célia L. Sant’ Anna, José Marcos de C. Nunes
Algae. 2018;33(4):291-304. Published online December 15, 2018 DOI:
305 |
Envelope development and variation in Trachelomonas hispida (Euglenophyta)
Małgorzata Poniewozik, Emil Zięba, Ewa Sajnaga
Algae. 2018;33(4):305-318. Published online December 15, 2018 DOI:
319 |
Optimized cultivation of Ettlia sp. YC001 in eutrophic pond water for nutrient removal and biomass production
Hyung-Seok Oh, Chi-Yong Ahn, Ankita Srivastava, Hee-Mock Oh
Algae. 2018;33(4):319-327. Published online December 15, 2018 DOI:
329 |
Growth and nutrient bioextraction of Gracilaria chorda, G. vermiculophylla, Ulva prolifera, and U. compressa under hypo- and hyper-osmotic conditions
Hailong Wu, Sook Kyung Shin, Sojin Jang, Charles Yarish, Jang Kyun Kim
Algae. 2018;33(4):329-340. Published online December 15, 2018 DOI:
341 |
A comparative study of Sargassum horneri Korea and China strains collected along the coast of Jeju Island South Korea: its components and bioactive properties
Hyun-Soo Kim, K. K. Asanka Sanjeewa, I. P. Shanura Fernando, BoMi Ryu, Hey-Won Yang, Ginnae Ahn, Min Cheol Kang, Soo-Jin Heo, Jun-Geon Je, You-Jin Jeon
Algae. 2018;33(4):341-349. Published online December 15, 2018 DOI:
351 |
Application of chloroplast promoters of Cyanidioschyzon merolae for exogenous protein expression
Tomasz Krupnik, Wioleta Wasilewska, Anna Drożak, Elżbieta Romanowska, Maksymilian Zienkiewicz
Algae. 2018;33(4):351-358. Published online December 15, 2018 DOI:
359 |
A continuous-flow and on-site mesocosm for ocean acidification experiments on benthic organisms
Ju-Hyoung Kim, Eun Ju Kang, Keunyong Kim, Kwang Young Kim
Algae. 2018;33(4):359-366. Published online December 15, 2018 DOI: