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Table of Contents | , 1997  Vol. 12  No.1 Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

1 Silica-scaled Chrysophytes (Synurophyceae) in Several Reservoirs, Swamps and a Highland Pond from Changnyong County, Korea
Han Soon Kim
Algae. 1997;12(1):1-10.
11 Growth of Phaeophyte (Fucus serratus) in Culture and Changes of the Amounts of Triacylglycerols and Fatty Acids
Mi-Kyung Kim, Jean-Claude Thomas
Algae. 1997;12(1):11-16.
17 Characterization of UV-absorbing Compounds in Korean Macrophytes, Ulva pertusa Kjellman (Chlorophyta), Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura (Phaeophyta), and Pterocladia capillacea (Gmelin) Bornet et Thuret (Rhodophyta)
Hyun-Woung Shin, Gwang Hoon Kim
Algae. 1997;12(1):17-21.
23 Succession Pattern of Intertidal Benthic Algal Communities in Cheju Island
Young Hwan Kim, Seon Hong Park
Algae. 1997;12(1):23-30.
31 Neurotoxin-producing Pseudonitzschia multiseries (Hasle) Hasle, in the Coastal Waters of Southern Korea II. Production of Domoic Acid
Jin Hwan Lee, Jung Hyun Baik
Algae. 1997;12(1):31-38.
39 Induction of Pigmentation Mutants by Treatment of Monospore Germlings with NNG in Porphyra Yezoensis Ueda (Bangiales, Rhodophyta)
Xing Hong Yan, Yusho Aruga
Algae. 1997;12(1):39-52.
53 A Simple Method for RNA Extraction from Marine Macroalgae
Soon Hee Kim, Yoo Kyung Lee, Choo Bong Hong, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 1997;12(1):53-56.
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