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183 |
Mixed-Phase Reproduction in Antithamnion sparsum Tokida (Ceramiaceae, Rhodophyta) from Korea
Gwang Hoon Kim, In Kyu Lee
Algae. 2000;15(4):183-193.
195 |
Developmental Aspects of Tetrasporogenesis and Tetraspore Release in Dictyopteris australis (Sonder) Asdensay (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta)
Gunwant Bhamrah, Inderdeep Kaur
Algae. 2000;15(4):195-200.
201 |
Characterization of Novel Thioredoxin-like Proteins in Prophyra yezoensis
Eun Kyoung Lee, Yung-Jin Kim
Algae. 2000;15(4):201-208.
209 |
Epilithic Diatom Flora of the Pukchong-Namdaechon River of North Korea
Kyung-Je Cho
Algae. 2000;15(4):209-231.
233 |
Epipsammic Diatom Flora of the Pukchong-Namdaechon River of North Korea
Kyung Je Cho
Algae. 2000;15(4):233-254.
255 |
Epiphytic Diatom Flora of Lakes around Kumho District of North Korea
Kyung-Je Cho
Algae. 2000;15(4):255-286.
287 |
Dynamics of Epilithic Algal Community in the Geum River, Korea
Jee Hwan Kim, Seog June Lee, Hee-Mock Oh
Algae. 2000;15(4):287-297.
299 |
Effects of Planktivorous Fish and Zooplankton on the Morphology of the Small Cryptomonad Plagioselmis prolonga var. nordica (Cryptophyceae)
Baik Ho Kim, Min Kyu Choi, Noriko Takamura
Algae. 2000;15(4):299-306.
307 |
Quantification of DSP Toxins in the Mussels of the Jinhae Bay by Fluorometric HPLC Analysis and Protein Phosphatase Inhibition Assay
Duck Kyun Ahn, Young Shik Park, Jong-Gyu Park, Jong Soo Lee, Jin Ae Lee
Algae. 2000;15(4):307-314.