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135 |
First Description of Petalonia zosterifolia and Scytosiphon gracilis (Scytosiphonaceae, Phaeophyceae) from Korea with Specieal Reference to nrDNA ITS Sequence Comparisons
Ga Youn Cho, Eun Chan Yang, Sang Hee Lee, Sung Min Boo
145 |
New Records of Marine Algae from Korea I
Jung Hyun Oak, Yeon-Shim Keum, Mi Sook Hwang, Yoon Sik Oh
153 |
Phylogenetic Relationship of Microcystis (Cyanophyceae) Based on Partial 16S rRNA Gene Sequences in Korea
Kim Jong-In, Jong Hun Lim, Jae Wan Lee, Hae-Bok Lee
161 |
Structure and Reproduction of Grateloupia filicina (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Indian Coast
Pooja Baweja, Dinabandhu Sahoo
171 |
Ecological Study on the Toxic Microcystis in the Lower Nakdong River
Ae Ran Choi, Hee-Mock Oh, Jin Ae Lee
187 |
Application of Seaweed Cultivation to the Bioremediation of Nutrient-Rich Effluent
Ik Kyo Chung, Yun Hee Kang, Charles Yarish, George P. Kraemer, Jin Ae Lee
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Activity of Chlorella vulgaris Associated by Escherichia coli W3110 on Removal of Total Organic Carbon in Continuous River Water Flow System
Surk-Key Kong, Nakajima Toshiuki