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185 |
The Study of Cyanobacterial Flora from Geothermal Springs of Bakreswar,West Bengal, India
Manojit Debnath, Narayan Chandra Mandal and Samit Ray*
195 |
Morphological Characteristics of Four Species in the Genus Skeletonema in Coastal Waters of South Korea
Seung Won Jung1, Suk Min Yun2, Sang Deuk Lee2, Young-Ok Kim1 and Jin Hwan Lee2*
205 |
Genetic Relationships among Multiple Strains of the Genus Tetraselmis Based on Partial 18S rDNA Sequences
Hye Jung Lee and Sung Bum Hur*
213 |
Taxonomic Reassessment of the Genus Padina (Dictyotales, Phaeophyta) from the Gulf of California
Rafael Riosmena-Rodriguez1*, Litzia Paul-Chavez2, Gustavo Hernandez-Carmona2,Juan Manuel Lopez-Vivas1 and Margarita Casas-Valdez2
231 |
Molecular Classification of the Genus Grateloupia(Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Ju Il Lee1, Hyung Geun Kim1, Paul John L. Geraldino2, Il Ki Hwang3 and Sung Min Boo4*
239 |
Cell Division in the Absence of Mitosis:The Unusual Case of the Fucoid Ascophyllum nodosum(L.) Le Jolis (Phaeophyceae)
David J. Garbary*, Greg Lawson, Kelly Clement and Moira E. Galway
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The Occurrence of Laminarionema elsbetiae (Phaeophyceae) on Rhodymeniapseudopalmata (Rhodophyta) from the Patagonian Coasts of Argentina:Characteristics of the Relationship in Natural and Experimental Infections,and Morphology of the Epi-endophyte in Unialgal Free Cultures
M. Cecilia Gauna1,2*, Elisa R. Parodi1,2 and Eduardo J. Caceres3
257 |
Cryopreserved Marine Microalgae Grown Using Different Freezing Methods
Joo-Yeon Youn and Sung Bum Hur*