Studies on Benthic Algal Community in the East Coast of Korea 1. Florsitic composition and periodicity of a Sokcho rocky shore
Sung-Min Boo, In-Kyu Lee
Department of Biology, Kangreung National University, Department of Botany, Seoul National University
Marine algal community of a Sokcho shore, the east coast of Korea was investigated monthly in view of the floristic composition and seasonal periodicity during January-December, 1985. The flora was compared with similarity index using Sφrensen coefficient and grouped by a cluster analysis. As a result, the algal community of this area was divided into three: winter-spring flora (January-May), summer flora (June-September) and autumn flora (October-December), in accordance with the fluctuation of sea water temperature.
Key words:
Benthic algal community cluster analysis, R/P ratio, Sokcho |