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Algae > Volume 2(1); 1987 > Article
Algae 1987;2(1): 61-72.
A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Codium, Chlorophyta, in Cheju Island
Oh Yoon Sik, Yong Pil Lee, In Kyu Lee
Department of Botany, Seoul National University, Department of Biology, Cheju National University
In the present study eight species of Codium collected during 1982 and 1983 from the coast of Cheju Island are studied taxonomically. These plants are divided into four sections according to their characteristics; the section Adhaerentia consists of C. adhaerens and C. coarctatum, Bursa of C. minus, Elongata of C. divaricatum, C. cylindricum, C. contractum and C. latum, and Tomentosa of C. fragile, respectively.
Key words: Cheju Island, Chlorophyta, Codium, Taxonomy

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