Binghamiopsis caespitosa gen. et sp. nov. (Lomentariaceae, Rhodophyceae) from the Eastern Pacific
In Kyu Lee, John A. West, Max H. Hommersand
Department of Botany Seoul National University, Department of Botany, University of California, Berkeley, Department of Botany, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Binghamiopsis caespitosa en. et sp. nov., a marine red alga belonging to the Lomentari- aceae, Rhodymeniales is described from Cypress Point, Monterey County, California and Baja California, Mexico. The cylindrical to compressed thalli bear dichotomous, trichotomous or alternate-opposite branches with multiraxial meristems. The plant is composed of periclinally elongate epidermal and cortical cells as well as loosely interwoven medullary filaments. The multilayered cellular septa apparent in Lomentaria and the lacunae enclosed by medullary cells evident in Binghamia are absent in Binghamiopsis. The shape and arrangement of epidermal cells are similar to that of Lomentaria but the outer appearance of the thallus is more similar to that of Binghamia. Development of tetrasporangina, spermatangia and cystocarps in fundamentally similar to those of Binghamia and Lomentaria. Overall, Binghamiopsis shows more affinity to Binghamia. The life history corresponds to the Polysiphonia-type.
Key words:
california, Mexico, Korea, Binghamiopsis caespitose gen. et sp. no., Rhodophyceas, Lomentariaceae, culture, Polysiphonia-type life history |