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Algae > Volume 4(2); 1989 > Article
Algae 1989;4(2): 121-133.
Evaluation of River Water Quality by Diatoms
Hiromu Kobayasi, Shigeki Mayama
Tokyo Diatom Institute. Department of Biology, Tokyo Gakugei University
In order to evaluate simply the Japanese-type river water quality, a practicable method using differentiating diatom groups is proposed. Japanese rivers are generally shorter, shallower, and run faster. Therefore, though the present grouping is considered to be equivalent to Lange-Bertalot's (Category 1-3, Nova Hedwigia Beih. 64: 285-304. 1979), considerable differences have resulted in the members of the relevant groups. For the evaluation of the water quality of rivers, the employment of the formula of Pantle-Buck giving a saprobic value of 4 to the Group A taxa, 2.5 to the Group B taxa, and 1 to the others is suggested. This method is simple and easy and the results of applying this method to the Japanese river waters were in general agreement with chemical analyses.
Key words: Diatom, differentiating diatom groups, pollution-tolerant diatom groups, water quality evaluation, water pollution.

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