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Algae > Volume 5(1); 1990 > Article
Algae 1990;5(1): 73-116.
A Checklist of Marine Tychopelagic and Benthic Diatoms in Korea
Joong-Ki Choi
Department of Oceanography, Inha University
This is the first checklist of benthic and tychopelagic diatoms occurred in the brackish and coastal waters of Korea from 1920's to 1988. From 74 papers on benthic and planktonic diatoms. 375 taxa are compiled as benthic diatoms. Among these species. 139 taxa are only recorded as benthic diatoms and 236 taxa are presented as tychopelagic diatoms. According to Simonsen's (1979). Hasle et al.'s(1983) and Hartley's (1986) classification system, these taxa are classified as 2 orders, 4 sub-orders. 17 families. 4 sub-families, 79 genera, 317 species. 2 forms, 54 varieties and 2 variety forms. 281 synonyms previously in common use are arranged and the distributions of total taxa are also rearranged.
Key words: benthic, tychopelagic, diatom, checklist, classification, synonyms, distribution, Korea

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