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Algae > Volume 6(1); 1991 > Article
Algae 1991;6(1): 55-67.
Vertical Distribution of Marine Algae on a Gallam Rocky Shore of the Mid-East Coast of Korea
Hosung Chung, Ho-Joon Lee, In Kyu Lee
Polar Research Center, Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute. Department of Biology, Konkuk University. Department of Biology, Seoul National University
Vertical distribution of marine algae was investigated by quadrat method along a transect line on a rock shore of the mid-east coast of Korea. Algal Biomass was higher in summer of 206.2 g·dw/m super(2) than in winter of 164.9 g·dw/m super(2). The biomass of red algae increased in summer (89.2%), and of brown algae in winter (59.1%). The vertical distribution of the algae was divided into two littoral and two infralittoral zones. In summer the littoral zone was characterized by Nemalion vermiculare at the upper and Hizikia fusiformis and Dilophus okamurae at the lower zone, while in winter Porphyra spp. was replaced by N. vermiculare. The infralittoral zone was characterized by Symphyocladia latiuscula and Corallina pilulifera at the upper and Caulerpa okamurae at the lower zone in summer, whereas in winter Undaria pinnatifida, Sargassum yezoense and Dilophus okamurae were dominant on the whole. The most abundant vegetation ranged from LWL to 1.5 m depth in summer, while it migrated deeper below 1.5 m depth in winter.
Key words: vertical distribution, marine algae, mid-east coast, coverage, biomass, correlations between species

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