Annual Dynamics of Phytoplankton Diatoms in Inchon Dock
Jin Hwan Lee, Jung Shin Byun
Department of Biology, Sangmyung Women's University
As a part of the ecological studies in the Inchon Dock ecosystem, annual dynamics of phytoplankton diatoms were investigated monthly from December 1989 to December 1990 at four stations in the dock. As a result, eighty nine taxa of planktonic diatoms, representing 1 forma, 1 variety, 79 species and 8 unidentified species belonging to 42 genera were tentatively identified. Causative organisms of red tide due to diatoms were 21 taxa. Red tide caused by Skeletonema costatum occurred in early August, 1990. It can be assumed that the red-tide in August was caused by high water temperature and high concentration of nutrients. Dominant species in the dock through the year were Skeletonema costatum, Paralia sulcata, Licmophora abbreviata, Chaetoceros curvisetus, and Eucampia zodiacus in surface, while S. costatum, P. sulcata, and Chaetoceros curvisetus in bottom. Standing crops of planktonic diatom varied in months and stations ranging from 3,774 cells/l to 12,461,207 cells/l. Species diversity indices were under the control of species number, individual number of each species, and total standing crops. The phytoplankton communities became, more simplified than those investigated in 1943's and 1978-1979's.
Key words:
annual dynamics, phytoplankton cummunity, Ichon Dock |