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Algae > Volume 7(2); 1992 > Article
Algae 1992;7(2): 225-242.
Morphotaxonomic Studies on the Korean Ectocarpaceae(Phaeophyta) I. Genus Ectocarpus Lyngbye
Hyung-Seop Kim, In-Kyu Lee
Department of Biology, Kangreung National University, Department of Biology, Seoul National University
Three species of Korean Ectocarpus, E. siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngbye, E. fasiculatus Harvey and E. penicillatus(C. Ag) Kjellman were investigated morphologically with field ad laboratory cultured materials. E. fasiculatus was characterized by discernible main axis, determinate fasciculate laterals arranged on a same plane, and adaxial branchlets and plurilocular sporangia on laterals. E. penicillatus was distinguished by non-discernible main axis, indeterminately growing laterals not arranged on a same plane, and adaxial branchlets and plurilocular sporangia on upper portion of laterals. E. siliculosus was recognized by non-discernible main axis, fasiculate laterals and plurilocular sporangia scattered on whole laterals. However, E. siliculosus was distinguished at least into 5 different morphological types by the branching pattern and gametangial feature. They were identified tentatively as E. siliculosus complex by Russell(1966) and Muller(1979). E. fasiculatus and E. penicillatus were described for the first time in Korea.
Key words: morphotaxonomy, Ectocarpus fasiculatus, E. penicillatus, E. siliculosus, morphological types of E. siliculosus

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