A Study on the Environmental Factors in Naktong Estuarine Ecosystem
Jin-Ae Lee, Kyung-Je Cho, O Seob Kwon, Ik-Kyo Chung
Department of Environmental Science and Department of Biology, Inje University, Department of Marine Science, Pusan National University
Eighteen physical and chemical environmental factors regulating estuarine ecosystem production and decomposition were investigated monthly from June 1991 to August 1992 at six stations of Naktong Estuary. Most of the factors showed variations seasonally and spatially and spatially. The variations were more attributable to the stations rather than the timing of the season. Stations at Sonaktong River were highly eutrophicated throughout the experimental period. Factors indicating the degree of eutrophication showed rapid increase compared to the previous reports, suggesting the effects of prolonged time with a new barrage at the mouth of the river.
Key words:
environmental factors, estuarine ecosystem, eutrophication |