Growth Characteristics of Bloom-forming Blue-green Algae
Hae-Kyung Park, Se Uk Chejon, Jae Keun Ryu
Lake Water Quality Laboratory, National Institute of Environmental Research
Bloom-forming blue-green algae, Microcystis flow-aquae and Anabaena macrospora var. crassa were isolated from Korean lake. Their growth characteristics to physical and chemical environmental factors were studied by batch culture with synthetic medium. The temperature range of optimum growth of M. flos-aquae and An. macrospora var. crassa was from 25degree C to 35degree C and it appears that this thermophilic property makes them grow rapidly and becomes dominant in summer lakes. M. flos-aquae grew rapidly at 2000 lux and grew slowly at low intensity (500lux). M. flow-aquae revealed photoinhibition at 5000 lux illumination. An. macrospora var. crassa grew optimally at alkaline pH(pH8,9, 10) and grew slower at pH6, 7. The phosphorus doseresponse experiment of M. flow-aquae revealed that the maximum standing crop increased with the additions of PO sub(4)-P stimulated the M. flos-aquae grown on higher P addition was higher than that of algae grown on lower P addition. The maximum standing crop of An. macrospora var. crassa also increased with the additions of PO sub(4)-P until the concentration of 1 mg/l PO sub(4)-P added and on the higher P medium than that of 1 mg/l PO sub(4)-P added the maximum standing crop decreased.
Key words:
growth characteristics, bloom-forming algae, Microcystis flos-aquae, Anabaena macrospora var. crassa |