A Taxonomic Study on the Genus Pachymeniopsis (Halymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Hae-Bok Lee, In-Kyu Lee
Department of Biology, Chongju University, Department of Biology, Seoul National University
Morphological characteristics of Pachymeniopsis lanceolata(Okamura) Yamada ex Kawabata and P. elliptica(Holmes) Yamada ex Kawabata(Rhodophyta) collected from Korea, were investigated taxonomically. The genus Pachymeniopsis was characterized by having leathery flat foliose thallus, thicker cortex, compact and anticlinally elongate cortical cell rows, and stellate inner cortical cells. As a result of reexamining morphological traits of the plants related, P. yendoi was merged into P. elliptica. P. lanceolata was characterized by short stipe, lanceolate thallus, 12-14 cortical layers and thick medulla, whereas P. elliptica by elongate to elliptical thallus without stipe, more than 14 cell layers of cortex and thin medulla.
Key words:
Pachymeniopsis, P. lanceolata, P. elliptica, P. yendoi, Halymeniaceae, Rhodopyta, taxonomy |