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Algae > Volume 8(1); 1993 > Article
Algae 1993;8(1): 77-82.
The Acute Toxicitiy of Three Oils to the Early Life Stages of Undaria pinnatifida(Harvey) Suringar
Rae-Seon Kang, Sin-Jae Yoo
Biological Oceanography Division, Korea Ocean Research and Development
The acute toxicitiy of water-soluble extracts of Arabian light clude oil, fuel light diesel, gasoline was tested using the early life stages of Undaria pinnatifida. The 69-hLC sub(50) for zoospore (1 days after settlement) ranged 1.1016-7.9201 total hydrocarbons (mg/liter), and the EC sub(50) for gametophyte (23 cells) 0.6782-3.2410 and for young sporophyte(2mm in length) 0.9733-5.1711. Sporophyte was more sensitive to oil than gametophyte, and gasoline was 4.78-7.81 times as toxic as crude oil and 2.22-4.87 times as toxic as diesel.
Key words: acute toxicity, oils, early life stage, Undaria pinnatifida

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