Callus-like Formation and Differentiation in Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura
Eun Kyoung Hwang, Chang Hoon Kim, Chul Hyun Sohn
Department of Aquaculture and Research Center for Ocean Industrial Development, National Fisheries University of Pusan
Callus-like formation and differentiation in Hizikia fusiformis (Harvey) Okamura were observed. To study environmantal conditions, excised cylindrical pieces of holdfast of H. fusiformis were cultured with PESI medium, under 500 and 2,000 lux. Callus-like cells were produced after 2 days of culture, and callus-like clumps were developed from compact callus-like filamentous cell mass. Blade-like plantlets were differentiated from the callus-like cells after 30 days of culture. Under the low light intensity regime(500 lux), callus-like cells were not differentiated to the plantlets.
Key words:
Hizikia fusiformis, callus-like formation, differentiation, culture |