Inheritance of PSP Toxin Composition in the Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium spp.
Chang Hoon Kim, Yoshihiko Sako, Yuzaburo Ishida
Research Center for Ocean Industrial Development, National Fisheries University of Pusan, Korea and Department of Fisheries, Kyoto University
In order to analyze the genetic system of paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxin composition in the dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense and A. catenella, we examined toxin composition and mating type of filial generation cells from crosses between algal strains having different toxin compositions. In axenic clonal isolates used, the mole percentage of toxin composition did not change significantly In any growth phase. When crosses of A. tamarense parents OF152 and OF191 were made, two of the four F1 isolates had the same toxin composition as one parent and the other two F1 cells had the same pattern as the other parent. In pairing A. catenella TN22 with OF101, their F1 cells showed also the same patterns as their parents. These data suggest that the PSP toxins production of Alexandrium is inherited in a 1:1 Mendelian pattern and that genes of PSP toxins-synthesizing enzymes are coded in the chromosomal DNA of these algae.
Key words:
genetic system, toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium, paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP), toxin composition, Mendelian pattern |