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Algae > Volume 11(1); 1996 > Article
Algae 1996;11(1): 101-106.
Haraldiophyllum (Rhodophyta): a Delesseriaceous Genus Newly Recorded in Korea
Ki wan Nam, Young Sik Kim
Department of Marine Biology, National Fisheries University of Pusan
The genus Haraldiophyllum Zinova is newly recorded in Korea and thallus morphology and vegetative and reproductive anatomy of the type species, H. bonnemaisonii (Greville) Zinova, are described based on specimens collected from some localities of Korea. Blades are monostromatic except for basal parts. Spermatangia are cut off from the spermatangial mother cells derived from primary cell as in most delesseriaceous genera. Procarp development with one carpogonial branch and two sterile groups and post-fertilization process are essentially the same as those of Nitophyllum Greville. However, two pericentral cells in procarp-bearing central cell are produced in a direction parallel to the longitudinal axis of the blade unlike Nitophyllum. Cystocarps have extreme elaboration at lower portion of fusion cell, which forms numerous connections with content-rich cells on their floor. Tetrasporangial sori are randomly formed on both surfaces of blades. Synoptic key to Haraldiophyllum species is presented.
Key words: Rhodophyta, Delesseriaceous genus, Haraldiophyllum bonnemaisonii, Korea

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