Diversity and Abundance of Sublittoral Macroalgae around Daedo Island, the South Coast of Korea
Kwang Young Kim, Sung Hoi Huh, Gwang Hoon Kim
Department of Oceanography, Chonnam National University, Department of Oceanography, National Fisheries University of Pusan, Department of Biology, Kongju National University
Diversity and abundance of sublittoral vegetation were investigated at 3 sites around Daedo Island in September and October 1994. In total, 51 taxa of red, 19 brown and 10 green algae were identified. The number of species decreased with increasing depths. Ulva pertusa, Sargassum thunbergii, Corallina pilulifera and C. officinalis occurred with highest cover and frequency in the upper to mid sublittoral. The cover and frequency values for S. horneri, Gelidium amansii and Ecklonia cava were generally high in the mid to lower sublittoral, although the main habitat of the species occurred in very wide vertical range. The biomass of deeper zone was composed mainly of a few brown algae. Diversity and abundance of sublittoral vegetation were correlated to the light, substrate characteristic and tidal currents.
Key words:
sublittoral vegetation, cover, frequency, biomass |