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Algae > Volume 11(1); 1996 > Article
Algae 1996;11(1): 35-43.
Morphotaxonomic Studies on the Korean Charophyta I. Four Taxa of Nitella Agardh New to Korea
Kwang Chul Choi, Young Hwan Kim, Dumun Choe
Department of Biology, Chungbuk National University, Department of Biology Education, Kongju National University
Four taxa of the genus Nitella Agardh (Charophyta), N. acuminata Braun var. capitulifera (T.F. Allen) Imahori, N. axillaris A. Braun, N. gracillima T.F. Allen and N. hyalina (DC). Agardh are first described from Korea. N. acuminata var. capitulifera growing in shallow water in characterized by moderately stout axes, 1-furcate sterile branchlets, terminal or axillary heads and smooth oospore membrane. N. axillaris growing at the paddy fields and ditches is characterized by slender to stout axes, 1-furcate sterile branchlets, 2-celled dactyls, axillary heads and reticulate oospore membrane. N. gracillima grows in the reservoirs and ponds, particularly in clear water. It has very slender axes, 2 - 4-furcate sterile branchlets, 2-celled dactyls and papillate oospore membrane. N. hyalina growing in shallow water is characterized by moderately slender axes, heteroclemous whorls and finely punctate oospore membrane. A key to the Korean species of Nitella is provided.
Key words: new record, Nitella acuminata var. capitulifera, N. axillaris, N. gracillima, N. hyalina, Charophyta, Korea

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