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Algae > Volume 11(1); 1996 > Article
Algae 1996;11(1): 81-90.
Morphology of Three Species of Gloiopeltis (Endocladiaceae, Rhodophyta) in Korea
Byoung-Geon Oh, Hae-Bok Lee
Department of Environmental Management, Kumsung Environment College, Department of Biology, Chongju University
The morphology of three species of Gloiopeltis, G. complanata (Harvey) Yamada, G. furcata (Postels et Ruprecht) J. Agardh and G. tenax (Turner) Decaisne from Korea was investigated and is discussed taxonomically here. All the plants of three species in Korea grow on rocks, frequently forming mats in mid-to upper intertidal zone. They are simple or branching densely dichotomously or pinnately, provided with discoidal holdfasts at base. The medulla of G. complanata and G. tenax in section consists of interlacing filaments, whereas that of G. furcata has a hollow central part. All the species are monoecious. The reproductive organs develop on upper lateral branchlets in G. complanata or on whole frond surfaces in G. furcata and G. tenax. In the three species two-celled carpogonial branches and an auxiliary cell arise together from an ampulla in inner cortex. Mature cystocarps are embedded in the thallus. Spermatangia are cut off by obliquely alternate division of spermatangial mother cells. The tetrasporangia arise from the outer cortical cells, are divided cruciately, embedded in outer cortex.
Key words: Gloiopeltis, Gloiopeltis complanata, Gloiopeltis furcata, Gloiopeltis tenax, rhodophyta, morphology, reproduction, taxonomy

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