A Taxonomic Reappraisal of Trachelomonas hispida(Euglenophyceae) from Korean Inland Waters
Jun-Tae Kim, Woongghi Shin, Sung-Min Boo
Department of Biology, Chungnam National University
A total of 47 samples of Trachelomonas hispida from 34 inland waters, Korea were observed in detail for cells and their lorica using LM and SEM. The species is ellipsoid with small spines and dense perforations on the cell surface. Under the SEM, the shape of the collar is simply thickened and erected without encircled spines, crown with encircled spines, and crenulated with toothed spines. However, cell size, shape, lorica and collar are variable among Korean populations. These results indicate that infraspecific taxa of T. hispida should be reappraised.
Key words:
Euglenophyceae, inland waters, Korea, morphology, taxonomy, Trachelomonas hispida |