The Community Dynamics of Phytoplankton and Distribution of Dinoflagellate Cysts in Tongyoung Bay, Korea
Young-Jak Kang, Tae-Hoon Ko, Jin-Ae Lee, Joon-Baek Lee, Ik-Kyo Chung
Department of Marine Science, Pusan National University, Department of Environmental Science, Inje University, Department of Oceanography, Cheju National University
The community dynamics and distribution of phytoplankton and dinoflagellate cysts were monitored at four stations of Tongyoung Bay in 1998. Twenty five dinoflagellate species of cysts have been identified. Among them Scrippsiella trochoidea, Scrippsiella sp., Protoperidinium minutum, Gymnodinium sp. were common in the surface sediment. At all stations S. trochoidea dominated the cyst assemblage with maximal abundance of 430 cysts cm super(-3) and showed highest frequency of occurrence. The number of cyst ranged 130~2,165 cycst cm super(-3). In the water column, Leptocylindrus danicus, L. minutum, Rhizosolenia hebetata, Ceratium furca, Nitzschia seriata, N. pungens, Chaetoceros decipiens, C. compresus dominated the phytoplankton community. Dinoflagellate cysts did not seem to contribute as seed populations to dinoflagellate blooms during the study period in Tongyoung Bay, Korea.
Key words:
dinoflagellate cyst, phytoplankton community, Tongyoung Bay |