Phylogenetic Relationships of the Cenus Monoraphidium (Chlorophyta)basedon the rbcL Gene Sequences
Yoon-Kyung Chang, Sook-Lye Jeon, Mi-Ran Kim, Hye-Ryung Oh
School of Natural Science, Sookmyung Women's University
Nine species and twenty strains of Monoraphidium Komarkova'-Legnerova' were examined to clarify the taxonomic boundaries between species and to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among the species. This study was carried out by comparing the rbcL gene sequences. It was possible to construct a strict consensus tree with 7 clades based on 16 most parsimonious trees. The 7 clades were;1) M. lunare(Mlun01), 2) M. dybowskii(Mdyb01), 3) M. griffithii (Mgri01, Mgri02, MgriKOM) and M. contortum(Mcon07) 4) M.dybowskii (MdybP61) and M. intermedium(Mint01), 5) M. contortum(Mcon04) and M. contortum(McovKR86/32), 6) M. contortum(Mcon03), M. neglectum(MnegP50) and M. pusillum(MpusP43), 7) M. contortum(Mcon01, Mcon02, Mcon05, Mcon06, Mcon08, MconP37) and M. irregulare(Mirr01). The M. griffithii was monophyletic with strong support whereas the M. contortum and M. dybowskii were paraphyletic. The implications of the taxonomy of the Monoraphidium were discussed.
Key words:
Chlorococcales, Monoraphidium, rbcL gene analysis |