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Algae > Volume 14(2); 1999 > Article
Algae 1999;14(2): 91-110.
Biodiversity and Distribution of Marine Benthic Organisms and Uses of Algal Resources in the Coastal Zone of Korea and Japan I. Benthic Marine Algae in the East Coast of Korea
In Kyu Lee, Young Hwan Kim
Department of Biology, Seoul National University, School of Life Sciences, Chungbuk National University
Floristic patterns of benthic marine algae were surveyed at 50 sites in the east coast of Korea. A total of 414 taxa was recorded from the east coast of Korea, including 33 Cyanophyta, 51 Chlorophyta, 99 phaeophyta and 231 Rhodophyta. The proportions by algal division from this coast were: Cyanophyta, 69%; Chlorophyta, 63%; Phaeophyta, 73%; Rhodophyta, 65%. Diverse algae of more than 150 taxa were found at six sites and, among 50 investigated sites, 16 sites represented more than 100 taxa. Common species (≥50% frequencies of occurrence) were 6 chlorophyta, 14 Phaeophyta and 35 Rhodophyta. A red alga, Lomentaria hakodatensis, was the most ubiquitous, occurring at 100% of the study sites. We found 20 to 35 characteristic species for each of the four geographical areas, i.e. north, middle, south and islands area. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) ordination confirms diverse floristic affinities. The first DCA axis clearly reveals a north-to-south gradient and the second DCA axis further separates the tow islands (Ullungdo and Tokto)far off the east coast from the mainland. These results suggest that the hydrographic factors such as water current and water temperature may be important factors determining floristic differences.
Key words: benthic marine algae, characteristic species, distribution, east coast, ordination

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