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Algae > Volume 14(4); 1999 > Article
Algae 1999;14(4): 213-218.
Proselachista gen. nov. and P. taeniaeformis (Chordariales, Phaeophyta)
Young-Pil Lee, David J. Garbary
Department of Biology, Cheju National University, Department of Biology, St. Francis Xavier University
Elachista taeniaeformis Yamada from Japan has assimilatory filaments and multicellular paraphyses as well as phaeophycean hairs. Accordingly, the species can be excluded from the genus Elachista that is circumscribed by having assimilatory filaments and paraphyses, but no phaeophycean hairs. E. taeniaeformis can also not be assigned to the morphologically similar genus Myriactula that is circumscribed by having assimilatory filaments in addition to phaeophycean hairs and wanting in paraphyses. Consequently, the new genus Proselachista is circumscribed for P. taeniaeformis (Yamada) comb. nov. based on the occurrence of assimilatory filaments, paraphyses and phaeophycean hairs. This species is usually epiphytic on Sargassum horneri in Korea and Japan. Morphological differences between Proselachista and relevant genera such a Elachista and Myriactula confuse the family distinctions between Elachistaceae and Leathesiaceae.
Key words: Chordariales, Elachista, Elachistaceae, Leathesiaceae, Myriactula, Phaeophyta, Proselachista

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