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Algae > Volume 16(4); 2001 > Article
Algae 2001;16(4): 369-378.
A Taxonomic and Morphological Study on the Freshwater Diatom Genus Synedra in Korea
Kyung Lee, Sook-Kyung Yoon
School of Life Sciences, The Catholic University of Korea
The freshwater species of the diatom genus Synedra collected in Korea have been examined by light microscopy. The length and width of the valve, ratio of the valve length/width, number of the striae, shape of the apices, shape of the pseudoraphe and shape of the central area were examined. As a result of these, 19 taxa of Synedroids could be classified 5 types with morphological features: S. cyclopum type (curved form of the apical axis), S. ulna type (developed form of the valve), S. acus type (delicate and needle shaped form of the valve), S. rumpens type (bilaterally developed form of the central area) and S. pulchella type (developed form of the striae).
Key words: diatom, freshwater, Korea, Synedra

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