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Algae > Volume 17(2); 2002 > Article
Algae 2002;17(2): 117-125. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2002.17.2.117
Growth Characteristics of Five Microalgal Species Isolated from Jeju Island and Four Microalgal Stock Strains in Hatchery
Joon-Baek Lee, Bo-Young Kim
Department of Oceanography, College of Ocean Sciences, Cheju National University
Five microalgal species isolated from the Jeju coast and four microalgal stock strains in hatchery were cultured in order to investigate their adaptation to extreme changes in environmental factors such as salinity, water temperature, and nutrients. In case of salinity variation, Nitzschia sp. of Bacillariophyceae, Isochrysis galbana of Haptophyceae and Tetraselmis gracilis of Prasinophyceae showed optimum growth at the low salinity of 20 and 25 psu. Amphora coffeaeformis and Chaetoceros simplex of Bacillariophyceae, and Pavlova lutheri of Haptophyceae adapted well at the relatively high salinities of 30 and 35 psu. However Plaeodactylum tricornutum of Bacillariophyceae and Chlorella sp. of Chlorophyceae showed euryhaline property. In case of water temperature variation, most of all the species studied were inhibited at 10℃. C. simplex, Nitzschia sp., P. tricornutum, Chlorella sp. and T. gracilis grew well at above 20℃. A. coffeaeformis, I. galbana and P. lutheri adapted also at the high temperature of 30℃. Each microalgal strain showed different growth rates and its maximum biomass. Generally microalgal populations from the Jeju coast grow well in relatively high salinity and high water temperature. Their growth were inhibited at low water temperature, but not likely affected at low salinity. This study indicates that the microalgal populations could not be affected by abnormally low salinity phenomena, which have happened occasionally around the west Jeju coast in summer and have led macrobenthic animals to mass mortality.
Key words: abnormally low salinity, biomass, environmental change, growth curve, growth rate, microalgal culture

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