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Algae > Volume 18(4); 2003 > Article
Algae 2003;18(4): 273-280. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2003.18.4.273
Seasonal Changes of Phytoplankton Communities in the Paksil and Jungyang Marshes
Kyung Lak Lee, Jae Shin Choi, Han Soon Kim
Department of Biology, Kyungpook National University
The physico-chemical characteristics and seasonal variations of phytoplankton community were investigated in the Paksil and Jungyang marshes. Water and phytoplankton samples for analyses were collected monthly from April 2002 to March 2003. A total of 421 taxa of phytoplankton belonging to eight classes identified. The number of taxa was highest in Bacillariophyceae, followed by Chlorophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae, Dinophyceae, Xanthophyceae and Cryptophyceae. The standing drops ranged from 1.25×106 to 5.85×106 cells/L in Paksil marsh and 0.25 to 9.63×106 cells/L in Jungyang Marsh. The highest algal density at Paksil marsh was recorded in October during 송 high development of Chlorococcales while the lowest value occured in July. In the Jungyang Marsh, the maximum algal density was recorded in October when Cryptomonas sp. and Mallomonas sp. accounted for 64% to total cell numbers and the lowest cell density was observed in January due to the decrease of Chlorophyceae. THe dominant species were represented by Euglena proxima, Trachelomonas oblonga, Trachelomonas volvocina of Eugleophyceae, Dictyophaerium pulchellum, Monoraphidium griffithii, Oocystis parva of Chlorophyceae, Dinobryon sertularia, Kephyrion rubri-claustri of Chrysophyceae, Achnanthes minutissima of Bacillariophyceae and Cryptomonas sp. of Cryptophyceae in the Paksil and Jungyang marshes. Phytoplankton diversity(H') and dominance index varied rather irregularly throughout the sampling period but they were significantly correlated. The highest diversity (H'Paksil=3.68, H'Jungyang=3.63) coincided with the lowest values of dominance (DPaksil=0.05, DJungyang=0.05).
Key words: diversity, dominance, Jungyang marsh, Paksil marsh, phytoplankton community

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