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Algae > Volume 18(4); 2003 > Article
Algae 2003;18(4): 341-347. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/ALGAE.2003.18.4.341
Antioxidant Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolyzate from a Kelp, Ecklonia cava
Soo-Jin Heo, You-Jin Jeon, Jehee Lee, Hung Tae Kim, Ki-Wan Lee
Faculty of Applied Marine Science, Cheju National University, Division of Genome and proteome Research, National Institute of Health
The potential antioxidative activity of water-soluble enzymatic hydrolyzates from a kelp, Ecklonia cava was evaluated by free radical scavenging and lipid peroxidation assays. To prepare water-soluble hydrolyzates from E. cava the seaweed was enzymatically hydrolyzed by five carbohydrases (Viscozyme, Celluclast, AMG, Termamyl and Ultraflo) and five proteases (Protamex, Kojizyme, Neutrase, Flavourzyume and Alcalase). Among all the hydrolyzates, Celluclast hydrolyzate effectively scavenged free radicals released from DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-pricrylhydrazyl) and recorded around 73% scavenging activity at the concentration of 4㎎/㎖. This hydrolyzate was thermally stable and DPPH radical scavenging activity remained 80% or higher at heating temperatures of 40 and 60℃ up to 12h and around 80% at 100℃ up to 8h. AMG and Ultroflo hydrolyzate inhibited the lipid peroxidation of fish oil as that of α-tocopherol. THese results suggested that an enzymatic extraction will be an effective way for the production of a potential antioxidant from seaweeds.
Key words: antioxidant, Ecklonia cava, fishoil, lipid peroxidation, radical scavenging activity

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