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Algae > Volume 20(3); 2005 > Article
Algae 2005;20(3): 183-196. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2005.20.3.183
DNA Sequences and Identification of Porphyra Cultivated by Natural Seeding on the Southwest Coast of Korea
Mi Sook Hwang, Sun-Mi Kim1, Dong-Soo Ha, Jae Min Baek, Hyeung-Seop Kim1 and Han-Gu Choi2*
Seaweed Research Center, South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI, Mokpo 530-831 and
1Department of Biology and
2Institute for Natural Sciences, Kangnung National University, Kangnung 210-702, Korea
Nuclear SSU and ITS1 rDNA and plastid rbcL sequences were determined to identify the seven samples of Porphyra cultivated by means of natural seeding on the southwest coast of Korea and analyzed to access the phylogenetic relationships of them with the natural populations of P. tenera and P. yezoensis from Korea and Japan. SSU, rbcL and ITS1 data from 18, 21 and 31 samples, respectively, including previously published sequences were investigated in the study. Results from our individual and combined data indicated that the seven samples were all P. yezoensis and the entities except one from Muan 2 aquafarm strongly grouped together with the natural populations of P. yezoensis from the south and the west coast of Korea. The sample from Muan 2 seems to be derived from a strain of P. yezoensis introduced from Japan by Porphyra farmers, based on DNA sequence data.
Key words: ITS1, natural seeding, Porphyra tenera, P. yezoensis, rbcL, SSU

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