The Red Algal Genus Scinaia (Galaxauraceae, Nemaliales) on Jeju Island, Korea
Yongpil Lee* and Yong Deok Ko
Department of Life Science, Cheju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea
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We report six species of the genus Scinaia (Galaxauraceae, Nemaliales) from Jeju Island, Korea. Five of the species, S. cottonii Setchell, S. tokidae Kajimura, S. okiensis Kajimura, S. flabellata Kajimura, and S. confusa (Setchell) Huisman, are newly recorded in the Korean flora. Scinaia okamurae (Setchell) Huisman was previously recorded. Scinaia japonica Setchell, which is known from Korean waters, was not found. We examined thallus habits, vegetative morphology, and reproductive structures in all six species. We also appraise several morphological characters for their value in separating Scinaia species.
Key words:
Galaxauraceae, Scinaia, S. cottonii, S. tokidae, S. okiensis, S. flabellata, S. confusa, S. okamurae, S. japonica |