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Algae > Volume 21(4); 2006 > Article
Algae 2006;21(4): 471-477. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2006.21.4.471
Experiences with Some Toxic and Relatively Accessible Heavy Metals on the Survival and Biomass Production of Amphora costataW. Smith
Subir Kumar Mandal1,3*, Hemantkumar Vithaldas Joshi2, Devabratta Chandrashanker Bhatt2, Bhavanath Jha3 and Takashi Ishimaru1

1Faculty of Marine Science, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, 5-7 Konan 4, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8477, Japan
2Department of Marine Science, Bhavnagar University, Bhavnagar-364002, Gujarat, India
3Marine Algae and Marine Environment Division, CSMCRI, Bhavnagar-364002, Gujarat, India
Amphora costata W. Smith 1853 is a down thrown diatom species and also known as metal corrosive ship-fouling organism. A. costata was isolated from Alang ship breaking yard, Alang and evaluated the toxicity tolerance and growth responses of the cultures exposed to different doses of toxic and relatively accessible heavy metals, such as Fe, Mn, Cd, Co, Cu, Zn, Ni, and Pb in the constantly monitored laboratory culture conditions. The strongest toxic effect was observed on A. costata exposed to Cd even at relatively low concentrations as compared to other metals . The following trend of decreasing order of toxicity i.e. Cd>Zn>Ni>Co>Pb>Cu>Fe was observed, when they were exposed to equal concentration and expose time.
Key words: Amphora costata, benthic diatoms, heavy metal, micro algae, toxicity

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