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Algae > Volume 22(2); 2007 > Article
Algae 2007;22(2): 117-123. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2007.22.2.117
The Macroalgal Community of Bagryoungdo Island in Korea
Jae Min Baek1, Mi Sook Hwang1, Jae Wan Lee2, Wook Jae Lee3*and Jong In Kim2

1Seaweed Research Center, South Sea Fisheries Research Institute, NFRDI, Mokpo 530-831, Korea
2Department of Life Science, Cheongju University, Cheongju 360-764, Korea
3Jeju Biodiversity Research Institute, HiDI, Jeju 690-121, Korea
The seasonal change of algal flora and intertidal community structures of Bagryoungdo Island was investigated at Dumujin from February to November 2006. The description of subtidal algal community was made in October by Scientific SCUBA-diving. The total of 43 species, including 6 Chlorophytes, 6 Phaeophytes, 29 Rhodophytes and 2 sea grasses were identified in this survey. The occurrence of species according to season, listed as follows, 26 species in winter, 34 in spring, 18 in summer and 18 in autumn. Three species, Laminaria japonica, Neorhodomela aculeata and Ulva pertusa were dominant. The algal zonation of intertidal zone was figured out by Porphyra spp., Gloiopeltis furcata, Caulacanthus okamurae, Gelidium divaricatum - Neorhodomela aculeata, Enteromorpha compressa - Ulva pertusa, Dumontia simplex, Laminaria japonica from upper to lower zone. The zonation of subtidal zone was figured out by Ulva pertusa - Laminaria japonica - Zostera marina (sea grass), crustacean red algal population in autumn. The average of biomass of macroalgae was measured as 119.4 g?dry wt/m2.
Key words: algal flora, Bagryoungdo Island, community, intertidal zone, seasonal change, zonation

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