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Algae > Volume 22(4); 2007 > Article
Algae 2007;22(4): 313-318. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2007.22.4.313
Algal Flora and Ecklonia stolonifera Okamura (Laminariaceae) Population of Youngdo in Busan, Korea
Chang Geun Choi*
Research Institute of Marine Science and Technology, Korea Maritime University, Busan 606-791, Korea
Studies have been made of the species composition and community structure of benthic marine algae at intertidal zone and subtidal zone of Youngdo at Busan. In this area, a total of 69 marine algal species including 10 Chlorophyta, 17 Phaeophyta and 42 Rhodophyta was identified. Dominant species in coverage were Enteromorpha linza, Ulva pertusa, Gelidium divaricatum, Hildenbrandtia rubra and Chondrus ocellatus throughout the year. Enteromorpha linza, Ulva pertusa, Porphyra yezoensis, Gelidium divaricatum, Corallina pilulifera, Grateloupia elliptica and Chondrus ocellatus vertically distributed in intertidal zone, while Ecklonia stolonifera, Gelidium amansii, Prionitis cornea, Gracilaria textorii, Acrosorium polyneurum and Phycodrys fimbriata in subtidal zone. The vertical distribution of subtidal zone were characterized by Ecklonia stolonifera at 1 to 5 m depths. During a year, biomass and length of Ecklonia stolonifera gradually decreased from March to January, but increased from February. Zoosporangial sori were observed from September to December. In conclusion, number of species in this area was remarkably reduced as compared to the previous data at Busan and it’s vicinity.
Key words: Algal flora, Ecklonia stolonifera, population, vertical distribution

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