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Algae > Volume 28(1); 2013 > Article
Algae 2013;28(1): 101-109. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2013.28.1.101
Growth and fatty acid composition of three heterotrophic Chlorella species
Dae Geun Kim1 and Sung Bum Hur1,*

1Department of Marine Bio-materials and Aquaculture, Pukyong National University, Busan 608-737, Korea
*Corresponding Author  Email: hurs@pknu.ac.kr
Some Chlorella species grow heterotrophically with organic substrate in dark condition. However, heterotrophic Chlorella species are limited and their optimum culture conditions are not fully known. In this study, three heterotrophic Chlorella species, two strains (C4-3 and C4-4) of C. vulgaris and one Chlorella sp. (C4-8) were examined on optimum culture conditions such as carbon source, temperature, and concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in Jaworski’s medium (JM). And the growth and fatty acid composition of Chlorella were analyzed. For three heterotrophic Chlorella species, glucose (1-2%) as a carbon source only increased the growth and the range of optimum culture temperature was 26-28°C. Doubled concentrations of the nitrogen or phosphorus in JM medium also improved the growth of Chlorella. Chlorella cultured heterotrophically showed significantly higher growth rate and bigger cell size than those autotrophically did. C. vulgaris (C4-3) cultured heterotrophically showed the highest biomass in dry weight (0.8 g L-1) among three species. With respect to fatty acid composition, the contents of C16:0 and n-3 highly unsaturated fatty acid (HUFA) were significantly higher in autotrophic Chlorella than in heterotrophic one and those of total lipid were not different between different concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus in JM medium. Among three Chlorella species in this study, C. vulgaris (C4-3) appeared to be the most ideal heterotrophic Chlorella species for industrial application since it had a high biomass and lipid content.
Key words: biomass; fatty acid; growth; heterotrophic Chlorella; JM medium

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