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Algae > Volume 28(4); 2013 > Article
Algae 2013;28(4): 355-363. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2013.28.4.355
Photoacclimation strategies of the temperate coralline alga Corallina officinalis: a perspective on photosynthesis, calcification, photosynthetic pigment contents and growth
Ju-Hyoung Kim1, Sao Mai N. Lam1 and Kwang Young Kim1,*

1Department of Oceanography, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 500-757, Korea
*Corresponding Author  Email: kykim@chonnam.ac.kr
The coralline alga, Corallina officinalis, is a widely distributed intertidal species in temperate coastal regions. It is usually exposed to high fluctuations of light intensity, light quality, temperature, and desiccation, all of which affect the temporal and spatial distribution as well as the morphology and the metabolism of this alga. In laboratory experiments we examined the effects of different light intensities (50, 100, and 200 μmol photons m-2 s-1) on photosynthesis, calcification, photosynthetic pigment contents (chlorophyll a and carotenoids), and growth rate of C. officinalis to clarify its photoacclimation strategies. Net photosynthesis, calcification and dissolution rates based on weight were not sensitive to irradiance. Although, photosynthesis and calcification did not clearly respond to light intensity, photosynthetic pigment contents were significantly lower at higher light intensities. In addition, higher irradiances induced significant enhancement of gross photosynthesis based on chlorophyll a. As a result, the specific growth rate was significantly stimulated by high light intensity. Our results suggest that photoacclimation of C. officinalis to different light conditions may be regulated to optimize growth.
Key words: calcification; Corallina officinalis; coralline algae; growth; light intensity; photoacclimation; photosynthesis; pigment contents

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