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Algae > Volume 29(3); 2014 > Article
Algae 2014;29(3): 183-195. doi: https://doi.org/10.4490/algae.2014.29.3.183
Three new species of Polysiphonia sensu lato (Rhodophyta) based on the morphology and molecular evidence
Byeongseok Kim1 and Myung Sook Kim1,*

1Department of Biology, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea
*Corresponding Author  Email: myungskim@jejunu.ac.kr
There are recognized three new species of Polysiphonia sensu lato at a 10-20 m water depth from Jeju Island, Korea. We described the morphology of three new species and analyzed rbcL sequences to infer phylogenetic relationships among Polysiphonia sensu lato. Polysiphonia amplacapilli sp. nov. is characterized by an epiphytic, discoid holdfast, 5-7 pericentral cells, large trichoblasts, lateral branches connecting with trichoblasts, only slightly corticated in the basal parts, cut-off rhizoids and a spiral arrangement of tetrasporangia. Polysiphonia morroides sp. nov. is characterized by saxicolous, cut-off rhizoids, four pericentral cells, ecorticate, spiral arrangement of tetrasporangia, and it was collected at the fast-flowing water habitat in 20-25 m depth. Polysiphonia sabulosia sp. nov. is characterized by ecorticate, 5-6 pericentral cells, a single filamentous trichoblast, lateral branches connecting with the trichoblasts, cut-off rhizoids, and spiral arrangement of tetrasporangia, and is growing in the sandy locations. The phylogenetic analysis of rbcL sequences demonstrated that three new species are clearly distinguished from other species of Polysiphonia sensu lato.
Key words: molecular phylogeny; morphology; new species; Polysiphonia sensu lato; rbcL; taxonomy

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