Checklist | > For Authors and Reviewers > Checklist |

- □ Manuscript in MS Word (docx) or RTF format.
- □ Use double-spaced typing with an 11-point font.
- □ Follow the sequence of title page, abstract and keywords, main text, acknowledgments, references, tables, figure legends, and figures. Ensure that all pages are numbered consecutively, starting with the abstract.
- □ Title page including the article title, full names and affiliations of all authors, corresponding author's email, and running title (less than 50 characters).
- □ Write an abstract of up to 250 words for research articles, and up to 200 words for reviews, essays, and features. Include up to 6 keywords.
- □ Ensure that all table and figure numbers are referenced in the text.
- □ Figures should be provided as separate files in EPS, TIFF, Adobe Photoshop (PSD), JPEG, or PPT format.
- □ References listed in proper format. Ensure that all references listed in the reference section are cited in the text and vice versa.
- □ The number of references is limited to 100 for original articles, 50 for reviews and research notes, or 10 for editorials, book reviews, and correspondence.