Algae 1987;2(2): 211-221. |
Encystment and Excystment in the Marine Dino - flagellate Scrippsiella trochoidea
Chang Hoon Kim, Hideo Iwasaki
The effects of nutrients and environmental factors on encystment and following excystment of the marine dinoflagellate Strippsiella trochoidea were investigated in batch cultures specially, considering temperature effect on germination of rysts from sediment samples. The germination of cysts was favorable at 20℃. No cyst was induced at low salinity medium (20‰) even where high growth occurred. In nutrient-replete medium, ASP_(12)NTA, cyst yield was initiated 7 days after inoculation and increased linearly with the exponential growth of vegetative cells. Cyst formation was promoted in the media with sodium acetate and some organic substances. Especially, it was remarkable in a glutamic acid, allanine, yeastolate and trypticase. In those media, planozygote yield was markedly low though a large number of cysts was produced. These results suggested that some organic substances serving as a promoting role for encystment should be contributed to the transformation from planozygote to cyst. Excystment was mostly followed by the encystment on and after 22 days culture. In 34 days culture, excystment was accelerated in the medium with sodium acetate, but depressed in the media with organic substances examined.