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Algae > Volume 7(1); 1992 > Article
Algae 1992;7(1): 139-146.
Distribution Pattern of Macroalgae in the Eastern Yellow Sea, Korea
Chul-Hwan Koh, Sang-Hee Oh
Department of Oceanography, Seoul National University
This paper describes a change in macroalgal community along the degree of turbidity in the south-eastern Yellow Sea. Based on 8 literatures reporting the species list and biomass on archipelagos located off the west coast of Korea, an analysis of species number, biomass and composition of algal divisions was attempted to find a relationship between these parameters and the turbidity. There was a general trend that species numbers became higher in the clear waters than in the turbid environment. Brown algae were particularly well represented in open waters, whereas green algae were common in coastal waters. Lower biomass was found largely in coastal area. The shift of light spectrum from blue, over green to brown in the turbid waters, was considered as a factor responsible for the composition of the algal division. The lower values in species number and biomass in turbid waters was interpreted by the overall reduction in light intensity.
Key words: distribution, macroalgae, turbidity, Yellow Sea

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